Hi there, this is Srujal. Welcome to eatwritecreate.com. My life is all about my family and things I love to do. With three degrees and two certifications in sciences and finance, it won’t be pompous to say that I am really good at academics. But creativity is my meditation. It calms my mind and energizes me for the next thing life throws at me. Eat Write Create is my portfolio of every thing I Love and Create in the form of a blog / free online magazine where you can find Creativity Tutorials, Delectable and Nutritious recipes, well founded Good Reads, and Gallery of Creative Project Ideas. So please welcome to eatwritecreate.com and make it your go to blog for Food Recipes, Creativity tutorials, Articles, and Different Project Ideas. Please subscribe to the blog and stay connected.
What is Eat Write Create?
A portfolio of all things I Love and Create!
Eat Write Create is a blog / free online magazine where you can find Creativity Tutorials, Delectable and Nutritious recipes, well founded Good Reads, and Gallery of Creative Project Ideas.
Cooking delicious meals and transforming difficult recipes into easy ones, is an art. One doesn’t need too many sophisticated equipment or crockery to cook delicious meals. Nor does one need to be a professional chef to be a good cook. Food is a necessity at the same time it gives comfort. This blog is a place for delectable, nutritious, nuts-free, vegan, vegetarian (with and without eggs and dairy)….. recipes. I started cooking at the age of nine. But believe me it was not out of love for cooking but was just to help my mom with daily chores. But frankly, I didn’t hate it at all. Slowly and gradually as I learned techniques just by watching my mom and my aunts, I started cooking same food with the flavors and technique that I thought would work better. Some of them failed but many of them worked. Soon I wasn’t a nine year old who just cooked to help her mom, instead I became a teenager who loved making different dishes that were not made on regular basis at home. My experimenting with flavors made me an amateur in house cook whose food was enjoyed by family and friends. Now after having a kid who is allergic to certain food groups, I started converting my own recipes into allergen free recipes that tasted the same as original or even better. This platform is the best place for me to share classic, modified, modernized, allergen free, and fusion recipes with all of you.
Writing has always been one of the things that comes easily to me. With right time and right frame of mind; research on subject; and passion, one can produce really good article. Articles page of this blog has articles written by me on nutrition, motherhood, kitchen remedies, health, travel, fun and games, and much more. I will definitely try and make sure to include all the right sources for the articles that are published. Being a kid who always had lot of ideas, thoughts, and opinions but was a little hesitant to verbalize them, writing journals surely helped. This love of writing never left me.
Art, craft, and all the creative activities have helped me relax as a child, express my feelings, and now it has helped me bond with my little kiddo a lot. My daughter and I have a same passion towards all things creative. That makes it really easy to be on same page with each other and makes us strong mother daughter creative team. We try and make sure to include sketching, painting, pottery, origami, jewelry making, knitting, making miniature models of objects or buildings we like, doing STEM activities that we love, etc…. as a part of our weekends, birthdays, and holidays. Just like me, I am sure creativity has helped many parents and families to bond with each other too. Make this blog your own and enjoy all kinds of good, easy, and fun family oriented creative projects. Art, Craft, & Creativity section of this blog has free and printable coloring and activity sheets for your kiddos. These free coloring sheets can be printed as well as downloaded too. You or your kids can color the downloaded sheets either on paper or online.
Last but not the least, this website, has a page called called Aarna’s creative corner that will be a gallery of Creative Projects ideas. Here, you can find different pictures of different kinds of projects that you can replicate on your own.
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Contact info – eatwritecreate@gmail.com
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Pinterest – Eat Write Create by Srujal