Ginger Bread House (Drawing Tutorial)
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As a kid first time I ever came across Ginger Bread House or confectionary shaped like a house was when I read a story of “Hansel and Gretel”. Although the story is just a fairy tale, it left unforgettable impression in my head. I was very fascinated by the sweet, tempting, and eatable house. I felt that house itself was one of the main characters in the story.
Building ginger bread house in winter especially around Christmas is a tradition for many families around the world. There are baking competitions around the world to build the most beautiful and delectable ginger bread houses. You can check Guinness book of World records to see the most amazingly gorgeous ginger bread houses.
Ginger Bread Houses are beautiful and delicious houses baked and decorated during winter. Combination of sweet and spicy gives it a unique taste. Ginger bread house is embellished with candies, chocolates, and cookies. This surely makes this delicacy kids’ favorite. Building these houses is not easy. But drawing surely is!
This is an easy free hand sketching tutorial to know how to draw Ginger Bread House. Let’s enjoy these holidays with some Artsy Craftsy fun!
To draw Ginger bread house all you need is:
Regular paper
Crayons (Any colors of your choice)
Ruler (optional)
To see the step by step tutorial click the video below:
Click below to print the free coloring sheet of Ginger Bread House
For Coloring Printable and Downloadable sheet Click the link below
Coloring Sheets Online or On Paper
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#candy #candyhouse #cookie #drawingtutorial #easyart #eatwritecreatecom #fairytalehouse #freehanddrawing #freehandsketching #gingerbreadhouse #howtodraw #howtodrawgingerbreadhouse
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