Cilantro Chutney / Coriander Chutney / Cilantro dip

#cilantrochutney #cilantrodip #corianderchutney #dairyfreedip #dipforappetizers #greenchutney #greendip #nutsfree #nutsfreedip #vegandip #vegetarian #vegetariandip
Cilantro chutney is also known as coriander chutney or cilantro dip. It goes well with sandwiches, burgers, appetizers, and almost all the side dishes. It can also be used as pizza sauce. It is easy to make and enhances the taste of various dishes.
Preparation time 5 minutes
Cooking time 5 minutes
1 bunch of Cilantro or Coriander
1 or 2 green chili (depending on how spicy you want it to be)
2 table spoons Split chickpeas (daliya or dalia) or 1 bread (crushed or broken in to pieces)
1 tea spoon of grated ginger
1 tea spoon of cumin powder (optional)
1 – 2 teaspoon lemon juice (depending on your taste)
Salt to taste
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To see the recipe of the appetizer that goes well with this dip click below:
#cilantrochutney #cilantrodip #corianderchutney #dairyfreedip #dipforappetizers #greenchutney #greendip #nutsfree #nutsfreedip #vegandip #vegetarian #vegetariandip
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