Home made Darth Vader Costume – DIY

Check out step to step directions of making home made Darth Vader costume idea from this blog. It takes just a few minutes, it is easy to make, and can be made from whatever you have at home. It is easy yet popular costume for Halloween, theme party, and costume party. You can make it at last minute with very less efforts and money. If you or your kids are Star Wars fan, this costume will be a hit! It looks exactly the same or according to me better than store bought.
You can also make this costume with your kids and make it a fun creative project. My little one decided to make her costume on her own for her school costume dance party. The outcome is just amazing. Her creativity and this idea made the costume just fantastic. I am sure you and your family would enjoy it too.
How to Make Darth Vader Costume at home?
Necessary List of Supplies
- Plain black T-shirt (if possible long sleeves T-shirt)
- Black Pants or leggings or skirt
- Black Boots or Shoes
- Belt – Black or Grey
- Old black cape or plain black cloth for cape (optional)
- Curtain road or stick (for lightsaber)
- Silver or Grey, Red, and Blue duct tape or Fabric colors
- Scissors
- Markers – Black, Red, and Blue
- Reference picture or toy of Darth Vader to make costume
- Take plain black T-Shirt.
- We used my daughter’s Darth Vader toy as a reference for making costume.
- As shown in the picture, use the silver / grey duct tape and start decorating the costume.
- Follow the pictures below and stick the duct tapes to the T-Shirt to make Darth Vader costume.
- If you do not have colored duct tape, you can use permanent markers on the duct tape that you have and convert it into the silver, red, and blue duct tape.
- If you do not have duct tapes, you can use fabric colors and paint on the T-shirt.
- Using duct tape is easier and faster way of making this costume.
- To make lightsaber (light saber), use any stick or curtain road or foam stick you have at home.
- You can either paint, color, or stick duct tapes to decorate the stick to make it look like a lightsaber.
- Take big strip of red duct tape and cover about 75% of the stick with red duct tape or red color.
- Cover the rest of 25% of the stick with silver duct tape or color.
- Now use black marker to make stripe design on the silver part of the light saber.
- Now for the Cape, you can use your old black cape of any other costume. Or you can take plain black cloth and attach it to the backside of the T-shirt with stitches or safety pin. Cape is completely optional.
- Wear the decorated T-shirt with cape along with plain black pants or leggings or skirt. Wear plain black or silver belt on your pants.
- Wear black boots or shoes along with the costume to make it look more authentic.
- Creative and fun Darth Vader Costume is ready!
- If we use duct tape on T-shirt, it will be easier and quicker.
- You can reuse the T-shirt by removing duct tape after the costume is used.
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