Veggie Pesto Lasagna

Best vegetarian Lasagna recipe! Veggie Pesto Lasagna is my version of vegetarian Lasagna. This recipe is easy to make. It will satisfy your taste buds and tummy all at once. If you want to try lasagna without a tomato based sauce this is the recipe to go for. It is a combination of fragrant and extremely flavorful pesto, sautéed veggies, different blend of cheeses, and lasagna pasta strips. Whether you are looking for comfort food recipe, or family dinner, or trying to entertain guest this is the dish to go for.
How to make Veggie Pesto Lasagna?
Prep Time – 20 – 30 minutes
Baking Time – 30 – 45 minutes
Serves – 8- 12 people
Tools and Equipment
- Oven
- Lasagna Pan / Baking tray – 13 by 9 inches
- Aluminum Foil for baking
Necessary Ingredients
- Basil Pesto 2-3 cups (Home made or store bought)
- Ingredients for Basil Pesto are –
- About 2 cups of chopped basil leaves
- 1 cups of shredded parmesan cheese
- Salt
- Pepper
- 6-7 garlic cloves
- 1/2 cup of olive water
- Water as needed
- 2 – 3 drops of lemon or lime juice
- Mix everything well, crush and blend them in blender, and Basil Pesto is ready.
- 20 strips of lasagna pasta strips (you can use 16 or 12 strips depending on kind of layers you want to make)
- Your choice of vegetables. I have added 2 cups of chopped onions, 2 cups of chopped broccoli, 1 cups of chopped bell pepper (green, red, and yellow), 1 cup of chopped zucchini, 1 cup of chopped tomato (optional – add only if you want it to be little tangy) and 1 cup of chopped basil leaves.
- 1-2 cup of shredded Parmesan cheese
- 16 ounce (450 gm) of Italian blend of shredded cheese (Mix of Mozzarella, Provolone, Romano, Parmesan, Fontina, and Asiago)
- 16 ounce of ricotta cheese smooth and well blended with flavor of your choice – like basil or jalapeno or salt and pepper (or your choice of flavored cheese spread) – (Ricotta cheese or cheese spread is optional add it only if you want your lasagna to be extra creamy).
- Salt to taste
- 1 – 2 table spoon Pepper
- 2 – 3 cloves of garlic – grated
- 1 – 2 table spoon of Italian seasoning
- 2 – 3 table spoon of olive oil
- 1-2 tea spoon of lemon or lime juice
- Water to cook Lasagna Pasta strips
Home made Basil Pesto Recipe
Click the link below to know how to make basil pesto at home.
Veggie Pesto Lasagna Recipe
- Take a deep Pot and fill the 3/4 th pot with water and bring it to boil. Add Lasagna Pasta strips to it when the water starts boiling. Or cook the pasta according to the instruction given in the package.
- Once the pasta is cooked, drain it and set it aside.
- Preheat the Oven at 375 F (about 190 C) for 10 minutes.
- Meanwhile on a separate cooking pan sauté onions with about 2 table spoons of olive oil for 2-3 minutes. Add the other veggies (chopped broccoli, zucchini, bell peppers, tomato, or any vegetable of your choice).
- Sauté all the vegetables well until they are cooked.
- Add salt, pepper, grated garlic, and Italian seasoning while sautéing the vegetables.
- Once the vegetables are cooked add 5 – 6 chopped basil leaves and 2- 3 drops of lemon juice.
- Take 13 X 9 inches of baking tray which is at least 2.5 inches deep.
- Pour about 2 – 3 table spoon of Basil Pesto sauce and spread it evenly.
- Now lay about 4 strips of lasagna pasta side by side vertically on the pesto layer. Top it with sautéed veggies and your choice of cheese.
- Again make another layer of 4 strips of lasagna pasta and layer it with basil pesto sauce. Add ricotta cheese or cheese spread (this is optional). Add shredded Italian blend cheeses on top of the basil pesto layer.
- Put another layer of 4 strips of lasagna pasta add sautéed veggies and your choice of cheese.
- Repeat the above step one more time.
- After that put another 4 strips of lasagna pasta. Pour rest of the basil pesto sauce on the top of the pasta. Make a thick layer of Italian blend cheese and top it with shredded parmesan cheese. Sprinkle some chopped basil leaves on the lasagna.
- Cover the pan with foil. Bake for 25 minutes at 375 F (about 190 C).
- Uncover the pan and broil or bake the Lasagna for another 5 – 10 minutes.
- Let it rest for 15 minutes before serving. Super scrumptious Veggie Pesto Lasagna is ready!
Bon Appetit!
- You can bake it and eat it on same day. Or after putting foil on the pan you can refrigerate it for 24 hours and then bake it and eat it. You can do preparations day ahead and do the baking step later.
Click below to know How to make Pesto Pizza
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