Apple & Mung Sprout Salad

Apple & Mung sprout salad is delicious, flavorful, and healthy. This recipe makes flavorful, protein packed, full of fibers, and scrumptious salad. This salad is a perfect combination of all the flavors – savory, sweet, spicy, and sour. The recipe is easy and hassle free. Eat this salad as a snack, appetizer, side dish, or as a meal itself.
Health Benefits and Taste Buds Gratifying
This salad is quick and easy to make. It is scrumptious, healthy, full of flavors, crunch, fibers, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and all the essential nutrients. It will satisfy your taste buds. It will provide you with the healthy crunch that some of us yearn and end up eating junk food instead. This salad there by helps in losing weight, controlling blood pressure, controlling blood sugar, and provides various other health benefits.
Besides, this salad is perfect for all the seasons and all the occasions. It is a perfect packed meal for school lunch or office lunch or picnic meal or on the go meal / snack.
To know more about health benefits of Sprouted Mung Beans and how to grow/make sprouted mung beans at home click below!
Sprouted Mung Beans Recipe/ Process / Health Benefits
How to Make Apple Mung Sprout Salad?
This recipe makes extremely scrumptious, crunchy, flavorful, and healthy salad. In case you do not have mung sprouts at home, you can use any cooked beans (like garbanzo, black grams, black beans, black eyed beans, kidney beans, etc..) in place of mung sprouts in this salad. The salad tastes amazing!
You can make this salad in more quantity and can store it in mason jar / air tight glass jar and eat it within the period of 2-3 days of making it. This is oil free, crunchy, and delicious! It is a pretty straight forward no hassle recipe.
Recipe below serves two -four people depending on the serving size!
Preparation Time – 5-10 minutes
To know how to make Sprouted Mung Beans at home Click the link Below-
Sprouted Mung Beans Recipe/ Process / Health Benefits
Necessary Ingredients
- Sprouted Mung Beans – 2 cups
- Finely chopped / Minced Apple – 1 cup
- Peeled Pomegranate – 1 cup
- Chopped / minced onions – 1/2 cup
- Cilantro for garnishing
- Salt
- Pepper
- Chaat masala (easily available at Indian grocery store) according to taste – optional
- Lemon – 1
- Mint Cilantro Salad Dressing / Vinaigrette – optional
To learn how to make Mint Cilantro Salad Dressing / Vinaigrette at home Click the link below-
Mint Cilantro Salad Dressing / Vinaigrette Recipe
Recipe of Apple & Mung Sprout Salad
- In a big salad bowl add sprouted mung beans (or any cooked beans of your choice), finely chopped apple, peeled pomegranate, and chopped onions.
- To the above ingredients add salt, pepper, chaat masala (optional), mint cilantro vinaigrette (optional), if not using vinaigrette add lemon juice according to your taste.
- Mix everything well. Garnish it with cilantro and lemon wedge. It is ready to eat.
- If you do not want to eat immediately, you can make layers of this ingredient in mason jar and make beautifully layered salad. Store it in the refrigerator and add spices and salad dressing of your choice when you want to eat the salad.
- You can your choice of cooked or canned beans to make this salad instead of mung sprout.
- For the parties or functions, you can make big bowl of layered salad of the above ingredients. Your dish will look beautiful and will taste delicious.
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